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CA Dental Insurance, What is a dental HMO plan?

10/28/15 6:22 AM

Question: I am in need of dental insurance since I have not been to the dentist for a little over a year now.  I called some local dentist in the phone book and was told not to get a dental HMO plan if I was going to get dental insurance first.    Why do they say that? What is a dental HMO plan and what is so bad about them that three dentist tell me not to get an HMO plan.   The few PPO plans I have seen on line are really pricey.  Are HMO cheaper or more expensive?   I can not go to a dentist without getting some type of plan first.

Answer: I can not speak for the dentist that told you that,  but my best guess would be, because they do not accept dental HMO plans.  HMO dental insurance plans are good low cost dental plans, however they are net work plans only. Which means you have to go to plan dentists.  I would say review the HMO plans that are available to you and then call the dentist in their network to choose a provider that in the plan you may want.

Posted on 10/28/15 6:22 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on CA Dental Insurance, What is a dental HMO plan?

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